Raised Angle Calculator

by Patrick Smith
Car Sketch
While Level:
While Elevated:
Raised Angle:

Follow the instructions given on the LOCATING CENTER OF GRAVITY page to scale the car and collect the data.

The Raised Angle used by the CG Height Calculator can be found by using this page.

Any portion of the chassis that runs appoximately parallel to the ground along the length of the car can be used to measure the distance from the ground to the chassis at 2 points. For a door car, this is often the bottom edge of the rocker panel.

c is the distance between the selected points near the front and back of the car. If the rocker is used this could be the distance from the front edge to the back edge of the rocker.

a is the height from the ground to the end of c that will stay on the ground. In the example image this is the back edge. But if the back will be raised, then it would be the front edge.

b is the height from the ground to the end of c that is lifted. In the example image this is the front edge. But if the back will be raised, then it would be the back edge.

The a, b and c measurements are made while the car is level. Then when the car is raised, the a and b measurements are made again. As each set of measurements are completed the angle made to the ground is shown below the measurements. Once both sets of the values are entered the Raised Angle is shown in the Yellow field. The Raised Angle should be as large as is reasonable to get the best results. Typically, it will need to be about 10 degrees or more.