
This “How To” slide deck shows the main features and describes how to use EngineSim. Visitors can use these slides as a preview to EngineSim’s features.


EngineSim is an engine simulation program using the techniques described in “Engine Tuning for Power”. Logged-in users can use the software, add their own engine specifications, and save their combinations. The Crank mechanism positions, speeds, and forces are calculated and displayed. An animated sketch displays updated values through the engine cycle. The combustion process is analyzed with pressures, temperatures and mass fraction burned plotted. The engine can be stopped at any position through the cycle and stepped 1 crank degree at a time. The intake air and fuel can be changed. Ignition timing can be adjusted. Detonation is anticipated. Try changing the fuel used, intake air, and ignition timing to see how the variables effect detonation. Power and torque are estimated. Although EngineSim is not accurate enough to make specific tuning decisions, it is an excellent teaching tool. The combustion pressure analysis agrees well with actual pressure measurements I have made on a wide variety of engines. For now, I only have naturally aspirated active. I will be adding boosted features for nitrous oxide injection, roots blowers, screw blowers, turbochargers, and centrifugal compressors. I have more work to add excess fuel effects and intake air cooling analysis. Some features are limited by the available fuel specifications, but I will continue to pursue more detailed info on fuels to improve the range available.

The program may experience intermittent problems since it is under construction. Use the Contact Me link on the top of the HiddenPower pages to let me know if there are problems and which features you would like to see added.