
My initial work was all about making maximum power from engines, but success at the track depends on getting the engine’s power to the ground efficiently. The chassis area covers a broad range of topics. Chassis components, drivetrains, aerodynamics, and tires are all included here.

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  • Weight Tuning How and Why – Slide deck presentation covering the reasons and methods used to tune the car’s weight.
    • Car CG Location – steps through the process of finding a car’s Center of Gravity and using the results to tune the cars weight. Includes each of the following sections:
      • Test Method – how to prep the car.
      • Horizontal CG Location – how to scale the car to find the horizontal CG with a link to a test data sheet and calculator.
      • Vertical CG Location – how to scale the car to find the vertical CG with a link to a test data sheet and calculator.
      • Weight Tuning – how to use CG test data and additional weight moves to tune the chassis. Includes a link to a calculator that uses the prior Horizontal and Vertical CG data to estimate weight move effects.
  • Slip Ratio – A Slide Presentation describing how to use slip ratio control to maximize acceleration.
  • Bibliography